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Kefir Milk Grains FAQ


There is nothing quite like milk kefir – it really is a delicious drink. It closely resembles a yoghurt drink but is packed full of extra probiotics. Milk kefir is fermented beverage and is made by leaving special reusable living cultures, called kefir milk grains, in milk to ferment for 24 hours. The result is a slightly tart tasting, creamy drink that is both great to drink and healthy too. Some refer to kefir milk as the ‘champagne of milk’ and we couldn’t agree more! 

What are kefir milk grains?
milk grains are yeast and bacteria in a symbiotic relationship. Water kefir grains are actually alive and when cared for and cultured they will reproduce. When you produce kefir water from your grains, it can provide you with probiotic bacteria that could benefit the digestive tract. Kefir is rich in antioxidants, antibodies and metabolites and essential vitamins and minerals. 

Can I use a milk alternative for my milk kefir? 

Yes, you can prepare non-dairy kefir too. Non-dairy milk kefir can be made using both coconut or nut milk. Remember, your milk kefir grains will need time to adjust – you may even find that the initial batches may not be as good as you would like. You will need to be patient, as an adjustment period will be necessary to get your milk grains back to their old selves! To revitalise your milk grains, you can use regular milk for fermentation before switching back - this will ensure that your milk grains are getting enough food. (see our FAQs below for information on how to activate you milk grains). 

All you need to know about kefir water grains 

Is it really that good for you? 

Kefir milk could help boost your immune system, improve your digestion, help regulate your cholesterol, and have other numerous beneficial effects too.  Compared to the kefir you can buy in stores, the homemade beverage contains a much higher degree of kefir-specific active substances which are important for your health.  

You really don’t need much to prepare kefir milk at home – it’s much easier than you might think. 

Preparing your milk kefir at home is a pretty simple process that can be done in a matter of minutes. Using the proper tools is important, you can use our kefir milk grains and Kefir making kits for this. There are some helpful tips for making kefir water at home, check out our FAQ’s below for more information. 

How to make kefir milk: 

STEP 1: Add your grains to a jar with the right amount of milk. See the measurement lines on our jars (mark 300 ml/10 oz is approximately one serving).  

STEP 2: Open the top lid of the jar slightly to allow the air flow needed for fermentation. You will need to leave your grains to ferment at room temperature for about 24 hrs. The primary fermentation is finished when the milk becomes thicker and sour in taste.  

STEP 3: After 24 hours (primary fermentation), remove the strainer lid and use the swizzle stick to mix. Put the strainer lid back on the jar.  

STEP 4: Apply the scrapper tool on the strainer lid and strain the kefir into a jar, turning the scrapper in a half-circle motion while doing this. The grains will remain in the glass jar and your strained kefir is ready for second fermentation or immediate use. 

*It is important to practise good hygiene when making kefir water at home to prevent contamination.        


Why do kefir milk grains need to ferment? 

Fermentation happens when you leave kefir grains milk. It’s a metabolic process where live cultures consume sugar and produce organic acids, gases and alcohol. Live cultures are essential for the fermentation process - a combination of yeasts and bacteria.  

‘Lactobacilli is the bacteria that converts lactose in milk (milk sugars) into lactic acid in kefir’ 

Why is homemade kefir better than store bought? 

To get the very best out of your kefir milk, it has to be fresh – there is no fresher kefir than when you prepare it at home. Making your kefir at home also means you can tailor it to your own tastes and you can make as much or as little as you need. 

How do I activate my kefir milk grains? 

STEP 1: Pour a small amount of room temperature milk into a glass jar and add milk kefir grains from the bag/container. 

STEP 2: Leave your grains to ferment for 24 hours. 

STEP 3: Strain the grains and discard milk. 

STEP 4: Wash the grains with lukewarm non-chlorinated water and repeat the first step. 

STEP 5: Change the milk every 24 hours - until it starts fermenting kefir. 

STEP 6: Once you are satisfied with your kefir, use more milk for fermentation.  

When do I need to activate my grains? 

You will need to activate your grains when they have been left without food – they are alive after all! See below for when your grains will need to go through the activation process: 

  • You have dehydrated grains 
  • Your grains were stored in a fridge for a short period or frozen 
  • Your grains were sent by mail 


Is second fermentation necessary? 

Second fermentation gives your kefir an extra dose of live microorganisms. This is also the time when you can add some extra ingredients / flavouring and make your kefir fizzier. Second fermentation is not obligatory - you will still benefit from freshly made kefir. 

What do I need to make kefir at home? 

Making kefir at home is easy with the right tools. The Kefirko complete starter kit with milk grains will give you all that you need to get going. Live cultures are very sensitive to the different substances that can transfer from materials and affect the quality of kefir or even damage the cultures. It is not recommended to use any metal or plastic in long contact with the kefir because it can expose it to BPA and other toxins from plastic. All plastic material used in Kefirko Kefir Makers are certified BPA free and food safe materials. 

‘With our inclination to over-clean our skin, this ecosystem loses its balance and results in dry, irritated skin or acne.’ 

Kefir is rich with live microorganisms, proteins, vitamins and minerals for smoothness of skin and anti-age effect. Kefir skin care help skin to visibly improve signs of dryness. Also, it’s great to restore a healthy pH balance and strengthen skin’s protection against environmental impact.Similarly as with drinking kefir, skin care is beneficial for fighting candida infection, the use of kefir skin care with anti-fungal effects can make positive effect on candida treatment. 

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